Wu~~is sat!!
today goin to Bon Odori.. japan event at Shah Alam..damn syok tat day..
BUT!! gt 1 thing nt syok...
Cz.... somebody is late...haiz...
At fri yen say 11.30am datang bawa me... BUT THN!!
she come on 12.30pm...pengsan lak...
i was like ONg ONg punya ppl sit on the living room...LOL..
if i know she will be so late ar..
sure i go makan 1st...muahaha^^
she finally reach...
thn we go fetch her fren(boss)-Ariff...
thn we makan 1st...
if nt sure i'll pengsan wan lak~~~
thn we go to her college to meet her friend- Don
thn we go together by Don's car...
he's driving skill ar...haiz..
tak tau macam mana nak ckp lak...damn dangerous..
haha~~almost mei ming in 2 times man...
in the way pergi dan balik...LOL!!!
thn he keep say sry sry sry...haha@.^
bt ok lak..
cz we are safe..ahoho^^
well, damn many ppl at thr..
damn many food...and the price vry nice oso..muahaha~~
bt the taste...haiz=.="
finally, the end...
reach yen's skul..thn we go buy bubble tea at pasar malam near her hse...
thn we fetch Ariff bck...thn we chou~~
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bon Odori on sat~~
Posted by Natalie at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Finally i get my uniform~~
finally i get my uniform...hehe @.^''
wait for a long time ady~~~
at last sifu give the uniform by yesterday~~~
YEAH!!(ki siao liao~~)Hahaha....
aft i change the uniform thn come out..
everyone kecoh ya...haha...
thn we have started our lesson..
we practice 24 season drums...
practice for 3 rounds man~~~=.=''
sweat like hell ady..ahoho^^
bt still very syok..cz can exercise ma...
thn can say goodbye to my fats ady...muahahahah~~~
aft practice the drums thn we start our lion dance practice...
i have upgrade become the team B cymbal players ady..
no need to play wif team C punya orang baru ady...muahahaha~~~(ego betul kan??)
well.. i really happy for it lak..
at least i gt improve myself ma..haha =.^~
only sifu will put me in team B ma..
aft the practice.. sifu ask us to keep all the things and teach us the new things abt the lion dance..
fuyooh~~~ need to do 360 degrees pusing lek...susah betul....
luckily me and sarah din kena..
at first sifu wan us to do wan...
bt both of us dun even practice the lion dance together oso...
so we say DUN WAN to sifu..
ahoho^^ paiseh lak sifu..
Posted by Natalie at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
here are some of the pictures abt the party~~ me and my food~~ but is too dark to be seen~~~ hehe@.^'''
Posted by Natalie at 5:15 PM 0 comments
bcum one day of auntie~
aft the party...
Posted by Natalie at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Getting my uniform on friday~~
hmm....the same day at office....
bt today damn suck lak...everything goin wrong out of no where...
haiz...at first..kak sakinah tell me to give bck the fail to eesh...let her follow up the letter..
bt thn..aiyoyo...i salah dengar thn i go fax the letter to the company...ALAMAK!!!
thn kena bibir sikit from kak maz...lol...sui=.="
thn...ms leong ask me to go to the bank...to refund bck her cheque book...cz the her cheque book is old design...need to change...thn i go lok...wanna to bank in my checque salary oso...ahoho^^
whn i went to bank....
the gal at the counter say no need to give her bck the cheque book..cz tis is the new design... ask me to keep wor...i ask twice some more... 'no need to give you ar??' she say yes...
thn i cum bck to office lok.. aft settle all the things...
whn i cum bck...she scold me say that y i take bck tat cheque book...thn i said is the gal who ask me to take bck the cheque book wan...she say tis is the new design...she say is the officer cal and tel her the cheque book is old design and ask her to change wan...lol...my head goin to burst tat time..
thn finally....we found out tat the book is old design...swt =.="'
thn i hv to go to bank tomorrow oso again.....
at nite...i went for lion dance practice...
sifu say tat i cn take my uniform by friday....
finally gt 1 thing is happy de liao...
Posted by Natalie at 12:15 PM 0 comments